Training sessions
We would like parents/guardians to stay to watch their children train. However, we understand that this will not always be possible. If you are leaving your child at training unaccompanied our expectations are:
- Training is 6pm - 7pm Tuesday evenings during school term time at Brill.
- You notify one of the coaches at the start of the session that you will be leaving.
- You are contactable on the phone and can return within a reasonable time frame (15 minutes)
- You return to collect your child at the agreed end of training time.
- You agree that the coaches are allowed to conduct first aid on your child should it be necessary.
Please make sure your child attends training each week appropriately dressed for the conditions or those predicted. Each player should wear shin pads, appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle with them.
Positive Attitude: Attend with a willingness to learn and have fun. We expect players to listen and not be disruptive.
Stay Within Training Area: Remain at the training session and do not leave until collected by a parent or guardian.
Club Kit
All players signed up for matches will be issued a BUYFC football kit which consists of shorts, a playing shirt, and socks. These kits have been purchased with the assistance of our club sponsors.
The kits are loaned to each player, and are expected to last at least two seasons. It is therefore important that they are appropriately taken care of. If you wish to buy spare kit, or further club merchandise, please speak to a member of the committee for further details.